
The association ‘Licht in Armenien’ is primarily supported by voluntary donors. You can financially support the work of the association of ‘Licht in Armenien’ with a deposit on:

AEK Bank 1826, Hofstettenstrasse 2, 3602 Thun

Verein Licht in Armenien, Buchholzstrasse 74, 3604 Thun

Postkonto: 30-38118-3
IBAN: CH03 0870 4050 6580 6710 9

SIC BC-Nummer: 08704

Please do not forget to mention the project in question about donations via e-banking (the keyword to be mentioned is listed in the respective projects).

Thank you very much

The team of the Association ‘Licht in Armenien’ attaches great importance to the fact that the gifts you entrust to us are used responsibly.
The idea of biblical tithing is very important to us as a association. That is why 10% of your donations are donated to other charities in terms of sowing and harvesting.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the use of donations.

Thank you for your support