Day care centre

About 30 children from poor families come to the Day Center in Gyumri. They have lunch here, do their homework, play intellectual and athletic games, learn biblical stories, and prepare various hand-made things. The children are one-sided or two-sided orphans, have physical defects, they live in wooden houses in extremely bad conditions. 15 volunteers serve in our day center. They have various professions – teachers of Armenian, Russian, English, physics, chemistry, math, cook with an assistant, responsible for the day, social worker and coordinator. Each employee tries to influence the future of these children and tries to educate them as intelligent citizens for a mature society. At the same time we also work with the parents of these children, support them socially and psychologically and help them to educate their children properly. We help them not to focus on their daily problems, but to see the future and to motivate their children to a better education. We also support them with clothes, shoes, firewood and potatoes in winter as well as school supplies. About 40 families receive monthly food, which is a great help for them.
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