Living free
In the spring of 2019, during the project trip to Armenia, we were able to receive the freshly printed seminar manuals in Armenian. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to print 750 copies.
Many thanks to all donors who contributed to the printing of the manuals!
Since the manual was published in Armenian, we have been able to pass on various parts of the seminar. In the spring of 2020 in particular, we were able to hold the entire seminar in the middle of the pandemic, partly directly on site, partly online via video conference, in a church. This church was very moved by the issues and now wants to receive further training.
This church had an amazing experience – they saw that the Lord Himself sent them searching people to whom they could apply these seminar topics directly.
It is still possible to donate to this project. We are sincerely grateful for any support. We will use these donations on the one hand for the seminars and on the other hand for the printing of further teaching material. Donations are welcome to our donation account with the keyword “living free”.